
The Theoretical Era can be divided into two categories: Modern and Postmodern. This blog will discuss one theory from the Postmodern Era, The Chaos Theory of Career Development.

Theorists: Briggs, Peat, Pryor, Bright

• Emerged from the disciplines of economics, mathematics, biology, and physics
• Moves away from a reductionist view of human behavior to a view that emphasizes wholeness and change
• This theory views individuals as being complex dynamic systems
• Point Attractor
o Individuals who use the point attractor pattern of behavior often focus on choosing the best occupation based on a match between their personalities, abilities, and interest
▪ Tunnel Vision, exclusive preoccupation, over confidence in decision making
• Pendulum Attractor
o Individuals who use this pattern of behavior are likely to engage in dichotomous either-or thinking
▪ May hold rigid beliefs
• Torus Attractor
o Individual show use this pattern try to control their lives by organizing and classifying people and things
▪ Like consistency and routine
• Strange Attractor
o Individuals who use these patterns of behavior tend to have a strong sense of control
▪ They like order and stability
• Emphasized the importance of integrating spirituality into conceptualizations of career development
o Five dimensions of spirituality
▪ Connection, purpose, transcendence, harmony, calling
• 11 Phase Shifts

Additional Links: 

Gysbers, N.C., Heppner, M.J. Johnston, J.A. (2014). Career Counseling: Holism, Diversity, and Strengths. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.


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