The Observational Era

Time Frame: mid 1800s into the early 1900s (around the same time of the Industrial Revolution and Progressive Movement)

Theorists: Frank Parsons, Lysander Richards, and John Crites (differentiated between the different eras)

Frank Parson- "the dominant visionary and architect of vocational guidance"
  • Opened up the Vocational Bureau 
  • Created the term "vocational guidance"
  • Wrote Choosing a Vocation (1909)
  • Came up with Three Factors in wisely choosing a vocation
  • Parsons Seven Steps (1909)
    •  Personal Data 
    • Self-Analysis
    • The Person's Own Choice and Decision
    • Counselor's Analysis
    • Outlook on the Vocational Field
    • Induction and Advice
    • General Helpfulness in Fitting in the Chosen Work
  • Used mental testing to measure mental capacities (in which we still use today)

Additional Links:
Parsons' Theory
Youtube Video

Gysbers, N.C., Heppner, M.J. Johnston, J.A. (2014). Career Counseling: Holism, Diversity, and Strengths. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.


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